January: I was finally able to ring in the New Year with the love of my life. My very first New Year's Kiss! Unfortunately, he had to fly back to Hawaii just a few days later. My final semester at Fresno State also began later that month.
February: My love and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary, albeit, in different time zones :) But I am so proud of how far we have made it, especially with the distance.
March: Pretty uneventful, just the normal schoolwork.
April: Served my last year as Student Chairman of the Fresno State Floriculture contest that we host for FFA members yearly. I also was able to spend another fun weekend with my mom and "Gramma J" at the Seven Sisters Quilt Show in San Luis Obispo, CA. This has always been a fun tradition where we remember my mom's real mother, my Grandma who passed away in 2003. At the end of the month, my mom celebrated her 50th birthday! My mom, my dad, myself, and my mom's best friend all took a road trip to Las Vegas and had a blast.
May: My love had another birthday, and I sent him a photograph of tickets to see Tim McGraw when he was coming to Fresno, not long after my graduation. It was his first concert ever! Final projects and final exams passed by and then my love was here for my graduation! Graduation was such a fun time, I feel so accomplished and lucky to have done this! We had such a great time, with all of my friends. Then I had a blast at my graduation party my parents threw for me. My love and I went on our own mini vacation to Sequoia National Forest and saw some of the most amazing nature and wildlife. After that we went to the Tim McGraw concert and had such a fun time!

June: On June 1, 2010, my life changed completely, William asked me to marry him. That was one of the happiest, but saddest days at the same time. That was the day he had to fly back to Hawaii, but it was amazing to know that we were finally planning our lives together. A week later, I started at my internship at Farm Credit West. I met and worked with some amazing people and I treasure the 5 months I was able to intern there.

July: My fiancé and I selected a date for our wedding, October 15, which coincidentally is my parent's anniversary. We were planning so many things and at the same time, I was enjoying my internship and my first summer as an official adult.
August: Lots more wedding planning!
September: I celebrated my 22nd birthday! I had a blast partying with my friends and family. It was definitely weird to not be 21 anymore! Plus lots of Fresno State Football!

October: We were officially one year away from our wedding! That was super exciting :) My internship at Farm Credit West ended, sadly, but I feel so lucky to have been able to intern there.
November: I was able to go visit my fiancé in Hawaii for a week! I went for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball and I was able to meet everyone he worked with and see the base where he has been stationed at for the last year and a half. We had a great time going sightseeing and finally being with each other.

December: I finally got all my paperwork in line and now I am a substitute teacher at one of the school districts near me. It was a new and different experience, but I have come to enjoy it. Then I left for Hawaii again! I was heading off for 3 weeks to spend Christmas and New Years with my honey. I had an amazing time and it was the longest time we had spent together! And we also got some REALLY good news! We got our dream venue for our ceremony and reception! :) We did have to move our wedding up one week, but hey, it works for us! I also was able to meet a lot of my fiancé's friends and their wives and finally made some new friends. I know it's going to be tough going over to a brand new place where I don't know many people, but I was so welcomed by everyone :)